Citizens of the world


  • Autore: Robert Baden-Powell (B.-P.)
  • A cura di: Mario Sica
  • Pagine: 108
  • Formato: 13 x 19
  • Illustratori: Baden-Powell
  • Illustrazioni: b/n
  • Collana: I libri di B.-P.
  • Argomenti: libri di Robert Baden-Powell, edizioni in lingua
  • Destinatari: giovani, Capi scout, adulti ed educatori
  • Edizione: (1 ) luglio 2006
  • ISBN: 978-88-8054-813-3

Scouting and peace appear today to belong indissolubly together. The accurate survey of the Founder’s vision, a culture of Peace as the constant theme of scouting, may turn out to be greatly stimulating, and surely a source of inspiration for the creation of a different world.

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Scouting and peace appear today to belong indissolubly together.


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